Wednesday, January 30, 2008

my love

Lady Jessica Atreides painted from life at the seattle revelations workshop


seadogz said...

Truly beautiful and awesome work, I like the lighting and its appears as if she is stepping out of time, like an unattainable virtue ya know ^_^

Saskia said...

I like how her appearience is so soft and somehow a bit like a ghost (? it´s hard to describe).
Overall very impressive, my faviorite parts are the color choices and shading.

Simon Scales said...

Hey Andrew....really great stuff...really dig the whole zbrush technique that you are using - can totally see why you are using it. Really frees you up and quickly too!! - keep em coming!!

Jake Kobrin said...

I saw you make this! Really awesome work. I'd love to see the one Nox (?) was working on as well.

Daniel Chou said...

How are these patterns made? Custom brushes in Photoshop or are they from Zbrush?

Stunning as usual.

Steve Argyle said...

Andrew, I am always floored by your work. You have created a unique style, using all the strengths of the digital medium. Corel should be sending you gift baskets full of money.

Thanks so much for sharing. It's thoroughly inspiring.

I really, really wish I could have made it out to Revelations. Here's hoping there's a next one, and it's as awesome.

Nasan Hardcastle said...

I've been following your work ever since you started your self-portrait series. It's great to see you in a blog. I've been a big fan of your work for quite a while.
Keep it up! I'm always blown away by what you do.

Unknown said...

Oh wow, you have a blog! Looks great as usual!

Mystery of Albesila said...

WOW! Stunnig piece of art

Daniel Andrews said...

So much Energy and Color. Beautiful beautiful shapes man.
Its allot of fun to view you work. I can look at is from a distance and see a an images. Then I pull in and see other aspect and detail that make the picture anew.

Best of luck.

JackNugget said...

You best! ahhah :)
I give more ispiration by your art andrew..Thanks very much...
jack nugget

Daniel Andrews said...

Id like to see your Dragon Force cover work up here. I had a hard time finding it on CA, to show the guys at work :D

Anonymous said...

Massive Black workshops were/are the best idea on the planet.

Glad you made a blog to floor us all, with your work :]

FEERIK said...

Fantastic Andrew. Hope to see you again at Adapt next week dude, to chill one more time in the cool places of Montreal ;) Take a look on my blog, ake care


Unknown said...

Your works are wonderful

SINII said...

Andrew, Amazing work. This particular piece showcases your traditional and digital skills, very nice. and thank you for mindblowingly inspiring workshops

Unknown said...

android jones is the best name ever. and this is some of the illest work i've ever seen!

dan said...

Ah...Finally... a true master of the digital arts in 21 century...sir, you are AMAZING!
WoW. everytime i look at your work and I am hit by the sheer beauty of your artworks. you know how good you are so... SALUTE!

Danish Raza

Alfonso de la Torre said...

Yo man love your work! The stuff you did for Metroid Prime chamge my life, thanks for the inspiration.

pablo pablo said...

Beautifull and original style!
Happy new year!

Jame said...

you really inspire me - your style lines - and how you handle PAINTER -
best wishes and have a great creative year -

we'll meet some day _ i hope _

Janya SHadrin

Anonymous said...

Hi Andrew. Just found your blog. Remarkable work. Love this image. I've been following your stuff through the years. And you've made some real leaps. Congrats.

This image is another jump forward. Hope you keep progressing and make some more works.


Caroline said...

Inspiring!! I love your work! Rock on and keep inspiring us little people!!
missing new posts!!

Marcos Amoroso said...

Sos un groso!!!

Red Fox said...

Really beautifull.
I love the look of hers, it feels real, but also ethereal indeed.

Paolo AC said...

I liked it.

Jack said...

did you paint theis? this is amazing

sebastian meyer said...

Gorgeous art here, I love your unique approach to problem solving and your way of finessing your images. Keep Rockin!

Anonymous said...

absolutely universally beautiful!

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